
Friday, July 13, 2007

Hill Country of Monroe County

One of my ancestors, great-grandfather Charles Romain Brubaker, moved to Mississippi about 1922. The blog Hill Country of Monroe County, Mississippi makes me wish he had settled in northeast Mississippi instead of in Pascagoula, which is in Jackson County, along the Gulf Coast. It's a relatively new blog, only about 3 months old, but Terry Thornton and his collaborators Judy Sullivan, Jerry A. Harlow, Mary Anna Riggan, and Lori (no last name listed, possibly one of those LNU family members discussed by Janice Brown of Cow Hampshire ;-) have a winner. The posts, covering a wide variety of topics, are very well written. I've been enjoying them immensely and am hoping to read the rest of the posts soon.


Janice said...


I agree that Terry and his cohorts errr collaborators do a great job over at Hill Country of Monroe Co, Mississipi. You do a mighty fine job yourself. I'm enjoying learning about how women in Navy boot camp in the early 1970s. You write a nice letter, and I bet your family loved 'em.


Terry Thornton said...

Becky, Thanks for your kind words. We are having fun in Hill Country --- and will name you a honorary "Hill Country Girl" if that will help your feelings. I, too, am sorry your relative didn't have the good fortune to end up in the hills rather than down in the flat land! Glad you are reading Hill Country --- and thanks for the mention.
Terry Thornton
Fulton, Mississippi USA
Hill Country of Monroe County, Mississippi

Lori Thornton said...

By the way, it is Lori Thornton. I updated my name so the last name will show. I've had it set up that way for a long time and never paid a bit of attention to the way it showed up!

Becky Wiseman said...

Thank you Janice, I also enjoy reading your blog Cow Hampshire!

Terry, it would be a pleasure, I'm sure, to be an honorary "Hill Country Girl", I accept, and thank you very much.

Lori, are you related to Terry?

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Becky Wiseman - -

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