
Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Recommended Reading - The Elder Storytelling Place

I'm not sure how or even when I came across The Elder Storytelling Place (clicking through on links from one site to the next will do that to you) but it is a blog where people can contribute stories from their lives. It was created in April 2007 by Ronni Bennett who blogs about "what it's really like to get older" at Time Goes By. I think I came across her website last year when I was investigating whether or not I could really retire this year, so that's probably how I also found the blog. . .

The Elder Storytelling Place Ronni says:
"Sad, poignant, happy or funny, not infrequently our stories contain lessons we have learned and the wisdom we've gathered on our long journey through life and that should not be lost - which is what led to this blog. I would like it to become a place where readers sit a spell and "listen" to other people's stories. And then tell their own. Who knows? Maybe in time we'll include audio and even video. Most bloggers have many readers who don't keep blogs and so this is a place for you non-bloggers too to spin your tales for others to read. Everyone's stories are welcome - except that you should be at least 50 years old."

Some of these stories will make you laugh, some will make you sad, but all are precious and give a glimpse of times past. Well worth a few minutes a day.

1 comment:

Herm said...

It was in 2007 that I was introduced to the ESP. I was encouraged to submit a story for my senior peers. I'm still there most days to see what surprising story and great writer has come forth. In many ways it helps to become a better writer and better person. There's much learning in the sharing. Ronni Bennett, is the jewel in the middle of it all, but it's a place where we each get a chance to sparkle.

Herchel Newman aka Herm

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Becky Wiseman - -

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