
Friday, December 14, 2007

Christmas is Here!

Today was a busy day - preparing for our family Christmas dinner tomorrow. And I don't have anything written for the December 15th installment of the Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories hosted by Thomas MacEntee. The topic is "Christmas Grab Bag. Author’s choice! Please post from a topic that helps you remember Christmases past!!" So instead of recalling a Christmas past, I'll write a bit about tomorrow (our future memories, perhaps?).

Tomorrow's gathering will be a small one, there should only be about 12 of us. The cookies have all been made, and some caramel corn too! The presents have been wrapped, some of the side dishes prepared. The only thing that could stand in the way is the weather, but the forecast for Northern Indiana is only calling for 3-6" of snow tomorrow, and then not till late in the afternoon, so we should be okay. Looks like Kansas and Missouri will get the worst of it before it heads our way.

For the past 20 years or so, my immediate family has had our Christmas dinner on the weekend before Christmas and sometimes, as is the case this year, the weekend before the weekend before Christmas. It just all depends upon everyone's schedule. Christmas day is usually spent with my mother. Sometimes my niece and her husband and son come for dinner. If they come we play card games, but if it is just mom and me we talk and watch television. Just a nice quiet day spent together.

*** Update 8:00 p.m. ***
Thank you one and all for your good wishes. We had a very nice time. Lots of good food, talked a lot, laughed a lot, played some games. And Santa even showed up. Well, not really, but we did have presents! It started snowing about 11 a.m. and snowed off and on all afternoon but only about an inch or so accumulation. It was a bit slippery coming home. The 30 minute drive from Columbia City took about 45. I checked and they are still showing that Northern Indiana will get 6-12" of snow by tomorrow night. But that's okay since I don't have to go out in it anytime soon.

*** Update 11:30 p.m. ***
I just opened the front door and it's snowing pretty heavily. The wind is whipping the snow around. I always get pretty good drifts across the front of the apartment and the driveway. It's about a foot high in a couple spots even though we probably only have about 2" of snow.


Jasia said...

Happy Christmas with your family, Becky! I hope the weather doesn't become a problem. From what I've just seen on TV it looks like this storm could be a whopper.

Thomas MacEntee said...

Hey Becky

You'll be fine - right now the weather in Chicago is for 1-3" as much of the storm is south. I think that the East Coast from DC up to Boston will be much harder hit.

Enjoy today!!!

Thomas MacEntee said...

Well, now the weatherman has made a fool of me. The snow started here in Chicago about 6:00 am - it sure is pretty. But now our totals are projected as 4-8". And Indiana is 10"+.

Oh well - your dinner will still be a success!

Lori Thornton said...

Feel free to send any of that snow down to East Tennessee. We're supposed to get a dusting tomorrow, but I'd like a little more!

Charley "Apple" Grabowski said...

I hope you and yours have a wonderful gathering. It would be nice if the weather would cooperate too!

TK said...

Wishing you and your family safe travels today, Becky!

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Becky Wiseman - -

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