
Sunday, December 30, 2007

Looking Back - Kinexxions in 2007

This is the time of year for looking back as well as looking toward the future. I've spent some time reviewing the posts here at Kinexxions and I'm not sure where the future will lead but I thought I'd provide a list of some of the "highlights" of the blog for the past year. Kinexxions came into being on January 12th, 2007 - not quite a year ago. In that time I've created more than 300 posts, the majority since my retirement in June. Have I done what I set out to do? Somewhat. Am I happy with what I've written? Somewhat. Could I do better? Definitely.

This list is a combination of several things - [1] posts that I'm proud of and [2] posts that received the most attention (hits and comments) - I won't tell you which is which... They are divided into several categories and not in any special order. If you have a favorite post here at Kinexxions, why don't you let me know in the comments? Or drop me an email at rrwiseman "at"

Tips, Resources, Ramblings and Controversy
Series of Posts
Family and Personal History


Terry Thornton said...

Becky, It has been a good year! And you've provided us with several wonderful reads. Your pair of articles,ARE YOU PREPARED and MY PLAN, made all of us stop, think, and start to prepare too. For that prompt I am very thankful.

But it is your personal essay that I find BEST OF THE BEST at Kinexxions: "I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."

Happy New Year!
Terry Thornton

Miriam Robbins said...

Your "Phend-Fisher Family Reunion Ledger" posts were some of my favorites, even though it may seem typically "dry" writing. The reason was that it reminded me that the Robbins Family had a book for all their reunions in which they would update the family vital statistics. My aunt is in the process of tracking it down and I'm hoping to get photocopies or scans. Scanning and archiving your ledger is a treasure for future generations...that way, everyone can have their own copy.

Lee said...

Becky, you've written so many good ones in the year you've been blogging that I'm hard-pressed to pick just one. I suppose if you twisted my arm, it would be "My Plan to Prepare for Disaster." That article inspired me to really look at my own situation, and start making plans to protect all those little things that are oh so very important to me. I don't know if I thanked you for that then or not, and if I didn't, please accept my thank you now.

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The ability to comment has been turned off for all blog posts effective 21 May 2018. Kinexxions has been inactive for more than two years and most comments have come to me directly via email from readers but more than a few were simply spam. My desire is to keep the blog available to the public since there is value in what has been published, particularly posts dealing with family history.

I am still extremely interested in hearing from readers who might be related and have questions or simply want contact with a distant cousin. Please contact me directly via email at

This action is also being taken partially due to the General Data Protection Regulation aka "GDPR" going into effect on 25 May 2018. Even though it is a regulation implemented by the European Union that primarily affects businesses and corporations, it governs how data about people can be used. That includes comments left on blog posts, thus the ability to comment is no longer available.

Becky Wiseman - -

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