
Thursday, December 20, 2007

Thank You, Janice!

If there is such a thing as a humor gene (and I believe there is), then Janice Brown surely has it!

She has given the gift of laughter to us many times this year, and her post GeneaBlogging Elves Run Amok!!! is sure to bring (at the very least) a smile to your face, if not an outright guffaw. Be sure to check out all of the cartoons to see what all the geneabloggers are up to...

Yours truly is in the cartoon highlighting the decorating of the official Genealogy Christmas tree. Also included in it are Mike O'Laughlin of Irish Roots Cafe, Steve Danko of Steve's Genealogy Blog, Chery from Nordic Blue, and Larry Lehmer of Passing It On.

Thank you, Janice.


Janice said...


And what exactly were you doing up at 1:05 AM? lol

Santa Claus is watching you!


Becky Wiseman said...

Janice - I was getting frustrated with a project that was taking much more time than anticipated... just before giving up for the night I checked to see what was new out there in genea-blog-land. Lo and behold, a bit of humor smacked me in the face, and if felt so good!

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Becky Wiseman - -

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