
Thursday, January 31, 2008

Ancestral Map - Oh what fun it is to play!

This post was inspired by Stephen Danko who was inspired by Blaine Bettinger's post Where Was My Y-DNA and mtDNA in 1808? who first mentioned John D. Reid's post Where has your DNA been? in which he uses Google Maps to pinpoint the locations of his Y-DNA and mtDNA in 1808 and 1908. Whew, how's that for the "genealogy" of a post? LOL.

As if I didn't have anything else to do, I just spent the past two hours playing with Google Maps. What fun! I know I'm going to spend some more time there creating additional maps. I'll have to make sure my distant cousin, George Joslin, knows about this. He's got a list of several hundred places that his grandfather, Luther Joslin, lived in Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Montana, and Kansas between 1870 and 1930. He has hand drawn a rough draft but Google Maps would make it so much easier for him, I think.

View Larger Map

The map is embedded, which I think means you should be able to click on it to zoom in and out. Not sure how that works. We'll see. - - Update: Click on the "View Larger Map" text and it will take you to the Google Maps page for this particular map.

The Phend and Wiseman families were two of three families who were the last of my lines to make it to these shores. The other family is Fisher, who came somewhere from "Germany" about 1833, a year or so after the Phend and Wiseman families.

Blue Marker - Bern, Switzerland
The Wiseman family resided "somewhere" in the prefecture of Bern prior to their emigration to Switzerland County, Indiana in 1832.

Rose Colored Marker - Gsteig, Switzerland
Jacob and Verena Laederich Kuebli were married in Gsteig in 1785. Their daughter Susanna would marry Johannes B'hend.

Red Marker (hidden behind the rose colored marker, zoom in on map to see it) - Interlaken, Switzerland
The Phend (B'hend) family was in the Interlaken - Matten bei Interlaken area in 1808 and before. Barbara Phend, half-sister of Jacob, was born in Habkern. Johannes B'hend and his wife Susanna Kuebla emigrated to the United State in 1832.

France - purple marker - LeHavre - port of embarkation
Both the Phend and Wiseman families left through the port of LeHavre in 1832 on their way to the United States. It is doubtful that they knew each other. The Phend's settled for a while in Ohio then made their way to northern Indiana while the Wiseman's settled in Switzerland County, Indiana.

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Jasia said...

Very cool! I'm going to have to give the Google Maps a try. I doubt if mine will be as interesting as yours but what the heck!

Steve Danko said...

I had a lot of fun with Google Maps, too. I think I'll try creating some more maps, including my father's movements in World War II.

Unfortunately, the version of WordPress I'm using doesn't handle embedded functions very well, so I'm only able to post a screen shot on my blog.

Becky Wiseman said...

Jasia - yes, very cool. Fun too. But could consume lots of time.

Steve - it may be better to not embed the image. It seems to slow down the page loading a bit even on a DSL connection. Likely very slow for someone still on dial-up. If I add any more to the blog I think I'll probably just post an image and then a link to the map.

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Becky Wiseman - -

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