
Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Letter from Lysander - January 2, 1890

Letter to Malissa Joslin Brubaker from her father, Lysander Price Joslin. Spelling transcribed the same as in the original letter though punctuation has been added for legibility.

The year of the letter is confusing because of the reference to “the baby Romy”. Charles Romain “Romey” Brubaker would not have been a baby - he was born in August 1871. Malissa’s second son, Hale, was born in May 1886. It is possible that Lysander simply got confused over the name of the baby. If the letter was written in 1890, Hale would be about 3 1/2 years old.

Lysander & Lydia moved to Barton County, Kansas in January 1877 and lived there until 1891 when they moved to Osage County, Kansas where they lived until their deaths in 1899.

Quilen is James Downey Quillen who married Della Joslin, daughter of Lysander and Lydia. Children of Lysander and Lydia mentioned are Andrew, who was in Montana was born in 1860. Elmus was born in 1868 and was off roaming about with his older brother John, who was born in 1855. Andrew returned to Kansas where he raised a family of five children. He died in Arkansas in 1921. Elmus did some mining in Colorado before moving to Montana where he died in 1928. It is not known what became of John, he may have gone to California.

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Oden PO Barton Co Kansas
January the 2 1890 [??]

Dear Lissa and Family

we are all well at present, hope this will find you all well. we got the aple Butter all right it is very nice and we are very thankful for it. until you are better paid inclosed find $1.00, to pay the freight.

we are having very cold weather for this country but no stormes, Just clear cold with nort wind. will finish husking corn in 4 days Quilen is helping me. I will give you the prices of produse - wheat 50 cts, rye 25, corn 15, oats 15, butter 15 cts per lb, eggs 19 per dozen, pork 300 per hundred lbs grose, potatoes 40 cts per bushel. every thing is low but plenty. I was offered 32 Dollars for too Steers, one 2 year old and one yearling, but would not take it. have plenty of feede and only 13 head of catle and 6 horses to winter. we kiled 8 hogs that weight about 250 apice, had 17 galons of lard.

have 8 hogs feeding to sell. they are yong, will weigh 200 when fat. have 5 brood sows and one mail is English burkshire. cost me 10 dollars at 2 months old, he is nine months old, will weigh 250, he is a daisy. our wheat looks well, have 50 acres of wheat and 20 of wry.

the ground is in good condition think we will get a crop next year., if we get rain in the Spring and summer. if we get crops next year I think we will see you all if we keepe our health.

Andrew is in Montana. John and Elmus has left where they was, sayed they would rite when they got setled.

I will close hoping to heare from you soon. kiss the Baby for me, cant pronounce his name, Romy, rite.

So good by, Love to all


Anonymous said...


These old letters are priceless. What interesting information.

Happy 2008 and hope you aren't snowed in. We are getting a blast right now and I am getting good and tired of it already! Cheryl

Charley "Apple" Grabowski said...

These old letters are always interesting even if you have no connection to the family. It's interesting that in many of the letters that I've seen, they are concerned with the price of everything.

Jasia said...

Fascinating letter Becky. Thanks for sharing it. I think the old spelling (more phonetic) works better than ours does now!

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