
Friday, February 15, 2008

The 2007 iGene Awards for Kinexxions

With the call for contributions (scroll, way down, to the bottom of the post) to the upcoming Carnival of Genealogy, Jasia created the Academy of Genealogy and Family History (AGFH) in which, with this post, I now become one of the founding members! As such, we are to select blog posts from the past year that we feel deserve to be recognized for outstanding achievement in five categories. The chosen posts will be awarded the first ever iGene award, also created by Jasia. Choosing the "BEST" of anything is certainly not an easy task and this definitely was not easy for me, I changed my mind many times. It is akin to asking a mother who her favorite child is or an actor the favorite part they ever played. But the deed is done, so, without further ado, my selections for Kinexxions are noted below.

Best Picture - Best old family photo that appeared on your blog in 2007. Tell us which you liked best and why.

The group of four pictures of my grandmother, Hazlette Brubaker, in Grandma's Story are the pick for Best Picture on Kinexxions. My favorite of the four is the one of her as a young girl, but all of them together create a stunning portrait of one woman's life, at least I think they do.
Best Screen Play - Which family story that you shared in 2007 would make the best movie? Who would you cast as your family members?

The heroic nature of Grandma Jones traveling from Ohio, with her five children, pushing an oxcart, and the tales of their first night spent in Whitley County wins the iGene award for Best Screen Play on Kinexxions. While her children were becoming fine upstanding citizens of the county, her brother and his sons were causing all kinds of commotion in Hell's Half Acre.

The part of Grandma Jones (Elizabeth Helms) would be played by Meryl Streep. She is one of my all-time favorite actresses, but I especially liked her in The Bridges of Madison County, Out of Africa and The River Wild. She shows a soft feminine side in her portrayals of women, but a toughness as well. Richard Dreyfus would play the part of Elizabeth's husband, William B. Jones. An odd combination, I know, but I just adore him and the various roles he has played.

Sam Elliott would portray Elizabeth's son Dewitt Clinton who was a blacksmith. Her son, Curtis Warren, who was a lawyer would be played by Hal Holbrook. Her daughters Maxia, Catherine and Mary would be portrayed by Glenn Close, Sandra Bullock, and Jodie Foster.

Elizabeth's brother George and his two sons would be played by Clint Eastwood, Ben Affleck and Matt Damon. Somewhere in there would have to be Robin Williams. I'm sure he could take on one of the "bit" parts and turn it into something memorable. At any rate, it's an eclectic combination of actors and actresses to be sure. But they are some of my favorites, and they'd do a fine job of telling the story of the Helms and Jones families.
Best Documentary - Which was the best informational article you wrote about a place, thing, or event involving your family's history in 2007?

I was going to go with Dad and the 511th. Clint Eastwood could certainly do that story justice, but more research would need to be done, and perhaps there have been enough movies on the events of World War II, but then again, maybe not. However, after much thought it is the more mundane story of life on The Goose Lake Farm that wins the bid for Best Documentary on Kinexxions. Ken Burns could surely turn this into an epic adventure (well, maybe adventure isn't the right word) based upon the memoirs of my grandmother, the Civil War service of William Brubaker and the untimely, early death of his son Hale.
Best Biography - Which was the best biographical article you wrote in 2007?

It was a really tough to make a selection for this category. There have been more than a few biographies written here in the past year, and of course, I think they were all quite good ;-) but since I can only select one, I'll go with the story of my Grandpa Vic, primarily because (aside from my grandmother) he is the one that I have the most personal information on, and I think his is an interesting story. You might also want to read about Grandpa's Candy making exploits which adds a bit to his personality.

Best Comedy - Which was the best funny story, poem, joke, photo, or video that you shared on your blog in 2007?

'Tis sad to say, the humor gene is one that eludes me, at least from a "creative" gene standpoint. When I tell jokes, they lose something in translation. Or I forget the punch line. My attempts at fulfilling some of the humor challenges have sometimes fallen short, which is why I so admire those who can write funny stuff. It is a given that I'll never be able to compete with (not that I really want to even try) Chris or Janet in the funny-bone department. That said, the iGene award for Comedy on Kinexxions goes to A bit of humor for April 1st posted on March 31st for the Funny, Foolish, Family edition of the Carnival of Genealogy.
Speaking of the Carnival of Genealogy, a "special" Kinexxions iGene award for Outstanding Contribution to Genea-Blogging for the year 2007 goes to Jasia of Creative Gene without whom the COG would not exist. The topics for each edition of the COG have challenged me (and others, I assume) to write on topics that perhaps we wouldn't normally address. The COG has brought together bloggers of great diversity and varied talents and created a community that is open and welcoming to new bloggers. Having hosted just one COG, I am aware of the amount of time involved with creating each edition. So, quite simply, I'll just say "Thank you, Jasia."


Janice said...


You've presented a wonderful collection of stories. I think Granny's trip through the wilderness would make a great reality T.V. series, don't you think?!?


footnoteMaven said...


You really are the consummate GeneaBlogger. I don't think you've ever written a less than exceptional post.

My personal favorite was your Mystery Photo series, particularly #9. That was a lot of fun for me.


Becky Wiseman said...

Janice - I agree, and I'd be one of the first to volunteer to play a part, though I'm not sure which one!

fM - Thank you. I just finished reading your post for the COG and noticed that you selected "#9" as one of your best. I agree with your choice as it was a good learning experience and was interesting to delve into the thought process behind that type of investigation.

Jasia said...

Great article Becky and I agree with all your choices. I think the most fun part for me as a reader of the iGene award posts is seeing what story would be made into a motion picture and who would be cast to play the parts. I love your cast! I can tell you've seen your share of movies. You've nailed the essence of the actors/actresses you've chosen.

And thank you for your very kind special Kinexxions iGene award. You made my day :-)


A wonderful collection of stories.
I read word by word your Wiseman military story. It was great!!!

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