
Monday, April 06, 2009

Such a Sad Sight

Mother Nature dumped about four inches of snow overnight in Northern Indiana. The wind has done more damage to the daffodils than the snow though. They had just started to bloom yesterday. They'll survive, just a little worse for the wear… and maybe not quite as pretty as they would have been.


GrannyPam said...

I agree, sad. I ran out and took photos of mine, too. I haven't posted them yet, but will sometime today. Come on, Spring!

Greta Koehl said...

Sad, but kinda pretty, too, in its own way. My bulbs always get socked here in Virginia by unseasonable heat followed by pounding rain.

Charley "Apple" Grabowski said...

That is indeed sad! I hope it melts quickly and that you've seen the last snow of the season.

Becky Wiseman said...

Most of the snow was gone by mid-afternoon when the sun came out. It's all gone now and I hope it's the last we see of it this season! I am so ready for spring and the warmer weather that follows.

Linda Hughes Hiser said...

Here I am in Cleveland complaining that my daffodils are under a coating of snow. You took my Wordless Wednesday post! smile

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