
Sunday, July 26, 2009

Back Home Again in Indiana

After a whirlwind trip of 2,190 miles to Georgia and back, it's good to be home again, if only for a little while. The younger niece and her daughters were as happy to see us as we were to see them. Three days spent together, making a little bit of family history, went by much too quickly.

I did learn a couple of things along the way. . .
  • A 15-year old boy can put down the chow. However, he doesn't eat food, he inhales it!
  • I can survive without my laptop and internet access for a week, but the boy REALLY needs to have his gameboy.
  • When traveling with a 15-year old and an 81-year old, ya better just plan on stopping at most rest areas along the Interstates.
  • No one says they are hungry until after you've passed the exit with all the good restaurants.
  • When you finally decide to stop for the night, the next motel is at least 40 miles down the road.
  • The Interstates are great for going from point A to point B. But not much good for anything else. Tree lined highways aren't conducive to 'getting a feel' for the countryside as you fly by at 70 miles per hour (or more).
  • It is nearly impossible to maintain a healthy diet regimen while traveling with others who aren't concerned with doing so. Temptation won after the second day.
  • My niece, the boy's mother, has amazingly similar tastes in music as I have, except for the country music. No offense intended, but I can only take so much of it.
  • Neither my niece nor I can carry a tune, but that didn't stop us from singing. You have to stay awake somehow while driving the Interstates.
  • Even after being on the road for 8 hours, when you're only 3 hours from home it doesn't seem all that far. Trust me though, it is much farther than it seems. It makes for a long day though still not worth stopping and spending another night in a motel.
  • I've been home 36 hours, slept 20, and am still tired. 650 miles in one day is just too much.
  • Geneabloggers are a prolific group. It will take some time to catch up on those 900+ unread blog posts waiting in my feed reader...


Greta Koehl said...

"No one says they are hungry until after you've passed the exit with all the good restaurants." So true, so true. I've taken to preempting any objections: "I don't care if you aren't hungry/don't have to go to the bathroom. There's good food/a convenient bathroom here."

Joe Dallmann said...

Haha...I do a lot of eating on the road. There is never time for anything healthy. And I have a 13 year old that inhales every bit of groceries I buy. I wish he had his nose in a book as much as he has it in the refrigerator.

Charley "Apple" Grabowski said...

LOL I've been on many similar trips. It sounds like a good trip!

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Becky Wiseman - -

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