
Sunday, January 10, 2010

The “Happy 101” Award

The “Happy 101” award is making the rounds in geneablogger land and I'm happy to say that it has been given to me three times! I've received it from Carol at Reflections from the Fence, Harriet at Genealogy Fun, and Bill at West in New England.

I'm also happy to accept the happy award! By accepting it I am obligated to name 10 things that make me happy and pass the award along to 10 more bloggers that brighten my day.

Here are just 10 of the things that make me happy:
  1. Being retired.
  2. Traveling.
  3. Sunshine and blue skies.
  4. Meeting geneablogger friends.
  5. Keeping in touch with family.
  6. Warm weather.
  7. Walking in the woods or along the seashore.
  8. Writing.
  9. Photography.
  10. Watching the sun rise and set.
And the 10 bloggers to receive the award are:


Leah Kleylein said...

Becky, thank you so much for the Happy award!!!! I appreciate you thinking of me!

Greta Koehl said...

Becky, I'm really honored to receive this from you, so I'm going to devote a post to you on the "Top Things that Make me Happy When I'm Traveling." Thank you for thinking of me!

Charley "Apple" Grabowski said...

Thanks Becky! I'm happy you found a nice place to get out of the cold!

footnoteMaven said...

Becky, thanks for the "Happy" Award.

Just to let you know, it is 10 degrees warmer in Seattle today than in Miami.

You're always welcome!


Janice Tracy said...

Becky, it looks as if you have already received the "Happy 101" award, but since you are so deserving, I am sending you another. I look forward to seeing many more beautiful photos on your blog.

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Becky Wiseman - -

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