
Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Double the Pleasure, Times Two

Easter Sunday I had the pleasure of meeting, in person, a gentleman whom I have admired from a distance for over three years. I first met Stephen Danko via his blog in late 2006 and then when we learned that we had the same personality type a few months later, we both thought it would be neat to meet each other sometime. It's hard to believe that we finally have! Thanks to Kathryn Doyle (whom I had met last August) and her husband, we had a delicious Easter dinner and a wonderful afternoon talking and discussing all manner of things. Thank you, Steve and Kathryn for a most pleasant time!

Kathryn Doyle, Stephen Danko and Becky Wiseman. April 4, 2010.

The weather on Easter Sunday was miserable. It was chilly and rainy with occasional torrential downpours. I was so glad that it was Steve that drove to meet us! I was even more pleased on Monday morning when I awoke to sunshine. It made the drive to Stockton to pick up Sheri Fenley (The Educated Genealogist) much nicer. After a big hug from Sheri, we drove on to Sacramento to have lunch with Craig Manson (Geneablogie), another of the early geneabloggers whom I've wanted to meet, like forever. (Craig has been blogging his genealogy since September 2004!! and I found him in the fall of 2006.) There was no awkwardness in meeting, it was as though we had all known each other for a long time, and in essence we have. But there is nothing quite like meeting for the first time someone you have “known” online. I really didn't want our time together to end, it was so much fun! Thank you, Sheri and Craig, for an incredibly pleasant day.

Craig Manson and Becky Wiseman. April 5, 2010.

Becky Wiseman and Sheri Fenley, slightly out of focus but happy! April 5, 2010.

Craig has written his impressions of our get-together, as has Sheri (who also has more photos).

For some more fun, check out Randy's post for another recent GeneaBlogger Meetup in Australia! Cool, Randy!


Dorene from Ohio said...

Well your photos could be in a "Who's Who" of Geneabloggers! Great post!!

Barbara Poole said...

Becky, It was so fun reading this blog, and nice to know you are safe and sound in California. What fun meeting the others (I've only met Steve twice, but nobody else). Since I don't know your itinerary, I can only hope you have a continued safe journey, and keep us posted.

Greta Koehl said...

You are so lucky - it's like a "GeneaBlogger Celebrity Meet and Greet"!

Amy Coffin, MLIS said...

How neat that you all got to meet. Thank you for sharing your photos and experiences.

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Becky Wiseman - -

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