
Monday, November 08, 2010

On The Road Again...

Wednesday November 3, 2010
From behind Cindy and Bill's house, Whitley County, Indiana.

After nearly three weeks back home in Indiana, I'm on the move again! I'm still in Indiana and only 200 miles south from where I was this morning but it is considerably warmer here than it was back there this past week! I'm definitely looking forward to getting into a warmer climate. I just hope that Mother Nature cooperates a little better this winter than she did last year...


Barbara Poole said...

Oh the suspense. Can't wait to find out where you are going, and for how long. Save travels.

Carol said...

Safe rides Becky. Hopefully, we are not too far behind you on escaping the north, heading west.

How is the new bed working out??

Did you find what you are looking for?? As in, are the labels working out for you?

Steve Danko said...

Happy trails, Becky! If you had just headed south a little sooner you could have met me in Brazil!

Anonymous said...

Becky I love the photo. I forgot to ask to see them after you took them the other night. Have safe travels and keep us posted. I will miss having you here my friend. Cindy

Amy Coffin, MLIS said...

Can't wait to see where you land. Safe travels!

Becky Wiseman said...

Thanks everyone, for the good wishes. Can't tell you where I'm going because I don't know! South and then West and then...

Carol - the new bed is GREAT! I'm less than a week into the trip but so far haven't had any trouble finding what I need when I need it!

Steve - Would have loved to meet you in Brazil, but really wasn't planning on going that far south!!

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Becky Wiseman - -

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