
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Update on Mom :: May she Rest in Peace

Virginia Rose Phend Wiseman
May 9, 1928 - February 15, 2011
Rest in Peace, Mom. I Love You!

It was 11 days ago that Mom was admitted to the hospital as a result of radiation and chemo treatment for rectal cancer. She passed away at 8:45 this morning at Parkview Hospital in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The cancer was not the direct cause of her death - an infection of the colon that antibiotics failed to control along with pneumonia and anemia were the major contributors.

With her consent, she was placed in Hospice care on Wednesday afternoon but due to the strength and wellness of her vital organs (her heart, liver, lungs and kidneys were in excellent condition) death did not come easily for her. She was not in a great deal of pain due to the medication she was given. She wanted just enough medication to ease the pain but not enough to dull her mind so the doctors complied with her wishes. She knew every friend and family member who came to visit and communicated with them even though she sometimes was too weak to talk. There were moments of anguish that were extremely difficult to watch as she said goodbye to each one of them. Though fewer, there were also moments of of joy and laughter.

Mom knew exactly what was happening all of the time up until about 8 pm last night when she suddenly became completely unresponsive. It was a relief for us when she finally passed to the other side knowing that she was in a better place and no longer suffering. She will be missed but her memory will live forever in our hearts.

Her death following so soon after the death of her sister Phyllis (just nine weeks ago) makes this an even more trying time for us and extended family members. It is so hard to believe that they are both gone...

Link to her Obituary (added February 16, 2011)


Debbie Blanton McCoy said...

Becky, I'm so sorry, but I know it is a relief not to see her suffering any more. I lost my mom to cancer 20 years ago. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Sheri Fenley said...

Oh Becky,

I wish I could be there for you. As long as we have our memories, they're not really gone.

If and when you are ready, you know you are welcome here at my place anytime you need to get away.

Love you!

Carol said...

Hugs, tears, joy, laughter, memories. Hold them all dear. RIP Virginia.

Thomas MacEntee said...


I've been following your journey with your mother on the blog over the past few weeks and I am holding you and your Mom close in my thoughts and prayers right now.

Let me know if you need anything - please - during this difficult time.

Unknown said...


Please accept my heartfelt condolences. I lost my Mom in a similar way. You and and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Take good care of you.

GrannyPam said...

Becky, I am glad there were some meaningful moments in the journey. God bless, you are in my prayers.

Charley "Apple" Grabowski said...

Becky - I'm so sorry that her final days were hard. Hang on to the happy memories and let the rest go with her. I'll keep you in my prayers.

Debbie said...

I am so sorry to hear of your painful loss. You are in my thoughts.

Susan Clark said...

My prayers are with you and yours these days and those to come. I am so sorry.

Cheryl said...

Becky I am sorry to hear of the loss of your mother. Your memories of her will always be with you. Many thoughts coming your way.

Amy Coffin, MLIS said...

Becky, I am very sorry to hear of your mother's loss. Your family is in my thoughts at this time.

Kathryn Doyle said...

Hugs to you. All of your geneablogger friends are there with you in spirit. May her memory be eternal.

Greta Koehl said...

I am very sorry to hear of the loss of your mother, but glad that you could be with her. You and your family are in my prayers. Memory eternal.

Nancy Zellerhoff said...

Becky---we were sooo sorry to hear about your Mom....losing a parent is soooo difficult!! May you feel the Peace our Lord provides...

Susan Petersen said...

Becky - my very sincere condolences to you and your family.

Renee Zamora said...

So sorry to hear of the passing of your mother. You are in my prayers.

Charles said...

Becky I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your mother, but she was prepared for it and spared you and the family by letting her wishes be known.

Barbara Poole said...

Becky, I am so late in sending my condolences, I'm sorry. Please know that I'm thinking of you.

Evelyn said...

So sorry for your lost Becky, i had experience with my sister and her disease. She goes away and only 30 years...terrible feelings

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Becky Wiseman - -

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