
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Anastasia Island :: Birds on the Beach

Tuesday March 15, 2011 - - After spending the day with Denise and Apple, I spent an hour or two that evening on the beach. Surprisingly, even though the campground was full, there were not a lot of people roaming the shore. Seemed like there were more birds than people. And yeah, that was rather nice too...

1 comment:

Lisa Wallen Logsdon said...

We have been to Anastasia a few times and it is lovely. The Sandpipers have always been one of my favorite shore birds. The Seagulls out for them, they can be into your food in a second! I watched one snatch a guy's whole hot dog, bun and all, out of his hand before he could get it to his mouth, LOL!

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Becky Wiseman - -

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