
Thursday, March 31, 2011

For My Northern Friends :: Spring is on the Way!

Wednesday, March 30th - - Even though the calendar says it is Spring, it seems as though Winter still has a tight grip on parts of our nation. Just this past Monday I awoke to find several inches of snow on the ground – and I was in Springfield, Missouri.

Yesterday I was driving west through Alabama. It was a little cold (in the 50s) and dreary, with cloudy skies and drizzling rain. Eventually, the rain stopped. As I traveled along the Natchez Trace in northeast Mississippi I was greeted by an ever-increasing array of green. Yes, it is true. I do believe that Spring has arrived – at least in parts of the south!

Note to Babs: I made a right turn before reaching Birmingham. Changed my mind about going to Pensacola! Are you surprised?

Note to anyone else: US Route 278 in Alabama (from Cullman to Hamilton) is not a road you want to take if you are in a hurry! Lots of hills and curves on that two-lane highway! I wasn't in a hurry so it was an enjoyable drive.

And, yes, I'm Back on the Road Again!!

Westward Ho!


Susan Clark said...

LOVE the dogwoods! One of the most beautiful drives I ever made was through northern Alabama at just this time of year. That day the sun was shining. The dogwoods looked like lace and I must have stopped a dozen times. 27 years ago and it's still clear in my mind.

Happy trails.

Anonymous said...

I didn't think the Natchez Trace was on the way to Pensacola!! Beautiful pictures. It's still cold and rainy here but supposed to be pretty this weekend. I'm waiting for the next installment to see where you ended up :) Babs.

Carol said...

LOVED our ride on the Trace, only we were in a HUGE hurry (medical situation at home that happened once we were ON the Trace) and we barely stopped. No lovely dogwood photos like yours here. I love dogwoods, someday, hope to do that ride again, and have the time to STOP and SONY!!!

Anonymous said...

The pictures of dogwoods are beautiful! This is our 'blooming' time of year. If you travel I-20
stop in! The Azaleas and many other things are at their best in bloom! Your room is ready! Well I just remembered you don't travel interstates---if you are roaming on a country road near us--stop in!! Ruth

TK said...

Becky, I don't even know what to say about that green picture. It makes my heart lurch, or something... like it's something I'm not sure I'll ever see again. Nothing green here in Michigan yet, we're still winter-bleak. I just want to crawl into that picture and inhale it!

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Becky Wiseman - -

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