
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Beauty Lies in the Eyes of the Beholder

Tuesday, April 12th - - Wildflowers or Weeds? My mama once told me that a weed was anything growing where you didn't want it to be! By her definition then, a flower could be a weed... and a weed could be a flower. We've got thistles in Indiana but I don't think I've ever seen any quite like this! Alongside US highway 70 in Southeastern Oklahoma.

And, for TK, a sight to soothe the soul... In her comment on that post, TK says “I just want to crawl into that picture and inhale it?” Well, that's just how I felt on Sunday! And I must say, Green is gorgeous! Have you ever noticed just how many shades of green there are?


Carol said...

I have a love hate relationship with thistle. I hate them in my yard and flower beds, but, I think they are beautiful, just as you have caught them. Great photos.

Yes, more shades of green than one can count. I miss green too, out here in beige country.

Charley "Apple" Grabowski said...

Love the thistle! I use your mother's weed definition and have planted blue thistle in my butterfly garden.

Jasia said...

We're just a few weeks away from green now in Michigan. There is some greening already around here but the real burst of green usually comes the first week of May. I can hardly wait!

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Becky Wiseman - -

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