
Sunday, April 03, 2011

Bonham Lake Sunset

Friday, April 1st - - It was a short travel day today, only 160 miles, meandering westward along the Texas State Highways north of I-20 and ending up at Bonham Lake State Park. A restful afternoon was spent walking along the shores of the lake enjoying the sunshine and 85 degree temperature! Clouds moved in during the early evening hours. I thought they would block out the sun but, as often happens, the sun broke through and the clouds enhanced the beauty of the sunset.


Greta Koehl said...

Becky - You are in the land of my Brinlee ancestors (my Dad's family)! Thank you so much for posting these pictures.

Moultrie Creek said...

Drooling . . . These are gorgeous!

Carol said...

Love clouds at sunset time! Make for the bestest photos, these are lovely!

Debbie said...

Beautiful thing to see first thing in my day! Thanks for sharing

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Becky Wiseman - -

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