
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Guadalupe Mountains

Wednesday, April 6th - - Continuing north on Texas Highway 54 about 60 miles from the town of Van Horn, you run smack dab into the south face of the Guadalupe Mountains!

This was still about 15 miles south. The mountain rises dramatically from the desert floor. The peak in the center is El Capitan, which has an elevation of 8,085 feet. Guadalupe Peak, the highest peak in Texas at 8,749 feet, is directly behind El Capitan. (As always, double-click on an image to view a larger version! It's worth the "extra" clicks!!)

US Highways 62 and 180 intersect with route 54 just south of the mountain. I traveled a short distance west on 62/180 to take the above photo.

Turning back to the east, highway 62/180 heads into the mountains. (This was taken as I was driving down the highway – not a recommended practice by the way - hence a bit of glare in the center of the picture.)

El Capitan as seen from Guadalupe Pass, which is at 5,420 feet.

The view from my site at Pine Springs Campground in Guadalupe Mountains National Park. Not quite as imposing as El Capitan but impressive nevertheless.

I had been told by one of the campers at Monahans Sandhills that even if I did no hiking, it was worth the drive to Guadalupe just to see the Mountains. I totally agree with that assessment.

I had also been informed that it was extremely windy at Guadalupe. In fact, that is the primary reason I didn't go there last year. And, yes, it was quite windy. The van was buffeted all night long as the wind howled through the mountains. They have some nice trails too (some even designated as easy), but I didn't do any hiking – too windy and the left leg is still bothering me.


Brett Payne said...

Becky - This scenery, in particular the third shot in your series, so reminds me of that bizarre scene in "Thelma and Louise" where a guy gets dumped in the trunk of a car in the desert - with a few bullet holes in the lid for good measure. Who should come along but a weed-smoking Rasta cyclist, who proceeds to blow smoke into the trunk through the bullet holes ... Do you know the one I mean?

Carol said...

Well, blogger ate my comment, sigh

As I was saying, it was windy the day we stopped at Guadalupe too, and we did not stay for the same reasons. 40 to 60 MPH winds are past my comfort zone if I have a choice, we did, we left.

There is a nice short paved walk behind the visitor's center you might be able to enjoy, even with a sore leg, if you have not already found it.

Love your photos with the clouds, gives a totally different look than mine with full sun. Totally awesome!

Keeper of the Tales said...

Beautiful pictures!!

I am passing on to you the "One Lovely BLog Award."

You can stop by my blog and grab your award and pass it on to blogs you find lovely.

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Becky Wiseman - -

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