
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Northward Bound

Tuesday, April 19th - - After four lovely days of visiting friends in northeast Louisiana, I headed north on Sunday morning (April 17th). My goal was to get back to Indiana without traveling on Interstate Highways at all and to avoid four-lane highways as much as possible. That I have done thus far but I'm only halfway there!

I stopped at the Civil War Interpretive Center in Corinth yesterday (a post is forthcoming on that visit). Last night I stayed at this beautiful State Park in Mississippi – the Natchez Trace Parkway runs through it – and got on the Parkway this morning.

My campsite alongside the lake at Tishomingo State Park in northeast Mississippi.

The sun had been hidden by heavy clouds all day but showed itself for a few minutes late in the evening.

I just love the “green” all around. Delightful. And easy on the eyes.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Becky,
Have you read the book Blue Highways? It's one of my favorites, and your post reminds me of it. The author drove the perimeter of the country, mostly avoiding interstates, and stopped at interesting places and met interesting people along the way.

Charley "Apple" Grabowski said...

Beautiful campsite!

Lori Thornton said...

So glad to see you got to visit the best part of Mississippi -- northeast Mississippi! I've stayed many times at Tishomingo State Park.

Linda Edwards said...

It's probably too late to say, "NO! Don't do it." Head back to Indiana, that is. It's been so dreary here that I'm losing the will to live, or at least get off the napping couch.

Becky Wiseman said...

Anonymous Diane: Have heard of "Blue Highways" but have not read it. Have added it to my list of recommended reading!

Apple: Yes, it was beautiful. Quite restful.

Lori: Having driven through parts of northeastern Mississippi, I can see why Terry was so enamored with the place!

BlueGirl: Yep, too late. Been here a couple days. Have seen a little sunshine but mostly clouds and rain and cool temperatures. Dreary indeed. I'm lucky in that I (hopefully) won't have to stay too long though!

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