
Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Wandering Along

Monday, April 4th - - Upon leaving Copper Breaks State Park, I continued northwest in the general direction of Amarillo. My intended destination was Palo Duro State Park, which some claim is the second largest canyon in the United States (the largest being the Grand Canyon).

However, I tired of battling the wind which was coming from the north with gusts of 35-50 mph and turned south after about an hour of driving. Several other factors added to the decision to forgo Palo Duro at this time – my left leg has been giving me some problems making hiking on uneven, rough trails a bit problematic – the wind was not due to let up until later in the day – the overnight temperature was going to drop into the low 30s - and tonight Butler was going up against UConn in the Big Game! So Palo Duro would have to wait for another time.

Just east of Silverton on Texas Highway 256 a rest area at the top of a ridge provided good views of the road just traveled.

This simple wooden cross at the top of the ridge honored “Gran” and “Pop”.

And this is the view that was off to the right... looking north.

Looking northeast.

Yes, I stopped at a motel for the night. And was disappointed by the outcome of the game. Neither team played all that good but Butler played a little worse, dashing the hopes of everyone cheering for the underdog.


Anonymous said...

I was so disappointed with the game too. With you for Butler, Tim for VCU and Garet for Kentucky, the only team I did NOT want to win did. Oh well, as I have learned to say well with my Cubbies - wait until next year :). Hope your leg gets to feeling better. Babs

Sue and Fred said...

We drove in that wind Sunday and Monday, too! Home, now....
I'm sorry to hear that your leg is bugging you....I know how frustrating that is! Hope it gets better quick...
Take care on your travels. :)

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Becky Wiseman - -

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