
Wednesday, May 04, 2011

An Illinois Round Barn

Tuesday, May 3rd - - As I left Argyle State Park this morning, I turned right instead of left thinking that the road would loop around back to US 136. It didn't. But I came across this neat old Round Barn. I would have loved to take a look inside but it was some distance from the road and it was on private property. As you can see, blue skies and sunshine were in abundance! It was a cool 41 degrees but there was no wind so it was actually rather comfortable.


Dorene from Ohio said...

Great photos of this vintage barn!

Susan Clark said...

Illinois is not my favorite state to drive through, but there are some extraordinary old barns. This one's superb! Great shots.

Michelle Goodrum said...

You sure do know how to take a subject and create a series of photos that really speak. Nice job!

Anonymous said...

I live in colchester near this barn the family that owns it are very nice people and would love the fact that you liked it so much.if your ever back in the area stop in and they'll most likely give you a tour. ther is another round barn up by roseville about 1/2 mile north of town not as big but still neat to see.

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Becky Wiseman - -

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