
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

No Happy Dance – Yet – Still Hopeful

It's been a slug-fest here at the Family History Library the past five days. I've been chasing the needle in a haystack on several family lines, without success. But, as Carol says, at least now I know I don't need to look at those sources. Ah, ever the optimist, she is!

We've been taking an hour break for lunch every day. It helps to relieve the “stress” just a bit. Our break yesterday (Tuesday, May 24th) took a little longer as we walked through Temple Square to the cafeteria for lunch. The flowers are absolutely gorgeous!!

The Mormon Temple with Gabriel high atop the spires.

The flower beds are jam-packed. So colorful. So Pretty.
See those large reddish flowers on the left?

This is what they look like before they burst out of their pods.

Up close. An orange one of the same variety. Fabulous.


Carol said...

All it takes is one little hit, that small one yesterday, encouraging!

Barbara Poole said...

I'm with Carol. You will get a hit, trust me. And, at least you are THERE! Enjoy the flowers for me, the ones above are great.

Linda Edwards said...

I feel your pain, but even if you don't find what you are looking for, you may find unexpected surprises. Hang in there and try not to lose focus. Wish I was there.

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Becky Wiseman - -

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