
Thursday, June 09, 2011

Adieu Salt Lake City...

Last Friday (June 3rd), Man joined us for lunch at the Garden Room Restaurant on the 10th floor of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. The fish and chips were the best I've ever had. Delicious. And because the waiter forgot to give us the discount with the coupons we had we ended up with a bonus – free desert! The crème brûlée was to die for!

There were outstanding views from the observation areas:

The Temple.

Looking towards the southwest.

Reflections of other buildings...

But the interior of the building was magnificent:

The carpeting approaching the east observation area on the 10th floor.

There was even live music in the lobby.

And, gorgeous chandeliers.

My time here in Salt Lake City and the Family History Library has come to an end. Yesterday (Wednesday, June 8th) was my final day of research and I'm heading east back to Indiana. I've had a terrific research partner while here who has been willing to let me “bounce things off of her” and who has helped figure out a few things when my brain went blank. There have been ups and downs. We've laughed, we've even shed a few tears. We've gotten frustrated when we couldn't find something we knew was there. And we've both had occasion to do the Happy Dance. Not just once, but several times!

We've had a good time photographing the flowers in Temple Square; it was our “chill out time” which was sorely needed some days. The excursions to Antelope Island and Park City with Carol and Man were also necessary and fun too! It was a pleasure to get to know Carol and Man a little better and to meet the fur kids - Gallagher, Tilly and Cappy. (It's taken me more than two weeks, but I think I've got their names straight and can tell who is who!)

And what fun it was to meet the You Go Genealogy Girls too. And seeing Kathryn Doyle and Tim Cox was a real treat. I even introduced myself to Michael John Neill whom I've had the pleasure of “meeting” before at several northern Indiana seminars (I'm sure he remembered me. Yeah, right!). Seeing A.C. Ivory again was fun too, we talked several times - the lucky kid lives in Salt Lake City!

I've made several wonderful discoveries while here, which I'll be writing about in the near future, however, the next few days will be traveling days for me so I've scheduled several “easy” posts – more flowers, of course! They really do have an incredible variety of beautiful flowers in Temple Square.

I'll definitely miss it all - I really was just getting into the “research groove” again after having not done much in the past two years – but I'm also pretty sure that I'll be back!


Carol said...

It has been great, hope we can do it again sometime, safe rides.

Michelle Goodrum said...

The photo of the temple is "picture perfect".

I'm so glad you had a partner to share researching, lunches and photo shoots with. It sounds like it made the trip all the more worthwhile!

Kathryn Doyle said...

Safe travels. It was great to see you again. I'm stuck at the airport trying to get down to Jamboree. We will miss you!

Greta Koehl said...

So glad that you were able to have a great time with fellow genealogy bloggers (and only a little bit jealous). I hope that when I finally get to SLC I am able to meet up with a super bunch like this!

Susan Clark said...

So glad you were able to share your visit with fellow travelers. It was a joy following along.

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Becky Wiseman - -

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