
Thursday, June 02, 2011

Excursion to Park City

Yesterday turned out to be another beautiful day for a break from research. Carol's husband, aka Man, keeps an eye on the weather for us and if a “good” day appears on the horizon we take advantage of it. He picked another winner. Even though high winds were forecast (up to 60 mph, which never developed – at least not in Park City) we ventured forth.

Park City is a beautiful town nestled in a valley high up in the mountains (about 7,000 feet in elevation, I think). We walked and we talked and we visited shops and had a very good time.

I have no idea of the story behind them, but Park City has shoe trees. Not quite as full as the one in Nevada that is no more, but lots of shoes all the same.

A wide variety of wearing apparel in these trees.

And the city has sculptures everywhere. Carol with a friend.

He was a big fella.

Man found a friend too. Man was very patient while waiting for Carol and me when we were stopping very frequently to take pictures.

I loved the Moose. All decked out in jeans, a straw hat and cowboy boots!

And those eyes! Simply Precious.

We drove up to the top of the mountain, as far as the road was open. Beautiful houses and lots of condominiums.

Narrow, winding roads and snow. Some drifts looked to be at least six feet deep.

As beautiful as it is, I don't think I'd want to live there.

Oh, and did I mention that it is “spring time” in Park City? And they have flowers? And they were absolutely gorgeous!


Jasia said...

I love Park City! We spent some time there back in 2001. Great town. Great pics!

Michelle Goodrum said...

Love, Love Love Park City!! Winter or summer or whenever, we love Park City.

We also have developed quite a collection of pictures of family members with the moose (plural) that are around town! Such fun.

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Becky Wiseman - -

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