
Friday, June 17, 2011

Heading Back East

Leaving Salt Lake City on the morning of June 9th, I took I-80 through the Wasatch Mountains toward Park City where I picked up U.S. 40, which is a very scenic route. I stopped for the night in Hayden, just before getting into the higher elevations of the Rocky Mountains.

The next morning I passed through Steamboat Springs and stopped for pictures at one of the lakes. This is where the climb into the Rockies really begins. Because of the record amount of snowfall this winter, the rivers and lakes are full to overflowing.

If this lake gets much fuller, these houses will have some problems!

Somewhere in the mountains along U.S. 40

Several hours later, just before entering Granby, I turned off of U.S. 40 onto U.S. 34, which is the highway that goes through Rocky Mountain National Park.

Approaching Rocky Mountain National Park on U.S. Highway 34

North of Grand Lake

And onto the Trail Ridge Road (still U.S. 34)

At the first parking area inside the park. The snow was several feet above my head.


Anonymous said...

Love all that global warming :). Babs

Diana Ritchie said...

Hi Becky ~ I always SO enjoy your pictures. You are such a great photographer! I don't stop over here often enough to tell you though, but today you have posted pics of one of my favorite places in the US - I just love RMNP!! Thanks for taking the time to post these so I could enjoy the snow and great views vicariously :-)

Becky Wiseman said...

I'm with you on that, Babs.

DianaR - Thank you. There will be more photos tomorrow... I'm hoping to return sometime when I can spend a little more time there. The drive through the park was fantastic!

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