
Friday, July 29, 2011

838 State Street

I don't know exactly what year my grandmother and her family moved to Traverse City, Michigan but they were living there in 1909 and 1910. At some point they moved to a small house at 838 State Street – the 1910 census shows the family residing on State Street. Grandma recalled those days in Traverse City fondly when she wrote her autobiography. They were there only a few years when the family had to return to Indiana in December 1910, due to the death of her father's brother, Hale Brubaker.

Written on the reverse side of this photo, taken about 1950, is “This is the house we lived in – Traverse City, Mich. 40 years later.” The lady standing in front of the house is my grandmother, Hazlette Brubaker Phend.

This week I had the opportunity to pay a brief visit to the house...

The house at 838 State Street as it appeared on July 27, 2011. The perspective isn't exactly the same but it appears to be the same house as in the previous photo. The front porch has been removed and the roof has been extended over the side porch. And the trees have gotten bigger. And there are more houses in the neighborhood.

The side view.

The red “A” marks the location of 838 State Street, Traverse City, Michigan.

The big purple blob on the right marks the location of Traverse City State Park where I spent the night. The little blue blob is at 838 State Street. I was at a McDonald's on the corner of Front and Hope Street (a block west and north of 838 State Street) when I learned exactly where the house was located!

Once you get off the main road (U.S. 31 aka Front Street) Traverse City is a pretty quiet place. A nice “little town” that I'm sure my grandmother would no longer recognize.


Carol said...

OH, fun!! TC is a great place, be sure to buy cherries, if you have no done so!

Harriet said...

I love being able to find houses where my ancestors lived.

Anonymous said...

Your grandmother's house looks much better all these years later than my grandmother's house in Springfield! - Babs

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Becky Wiseman - -

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