
Friday, August 05, 2011

Lower Tahquamenon Falls

Tahquamenon Falls are a little over an hour west of Sault Ste. Marie and were among the “must see” things that my friend Carol said that I “had” to see while in the UP! According to Carol, the pronunciation of Tahquamenon is “something like” Taaaaa quaaaaaa men on. I'll take her word for it!

There are actually two areas here, the Lower Falls and the Upper Falls. The Lower Falls are a series of smaller waterfalls coming down on either side of an Island.

The two falls shown here are on the east side of the Island.

Rowboats were available for rental to take out to the Island where there is a boardwalk that goes around the Island and affords different views of the falls. As much as I would have liked to, I'm not very adept at rowing a boat so didn't attempt this little excursion. The falls in the background are the same ones in the first picture.

This is the last of a series of three smaller falls that are on the west side of the Island. A boardwalk leads you along the river to several viewing platforms.

An interesting sign along the way - Prayer of the Woods.

Another sign – showing the layout of the river and island and warning of the dangers of the falls.

From one of the viewing platforms, looking back at where the first few pictures were taken.

Fast flowing water. The brown color is caused from tannin brought in from the streams that flow into the river.

The uppermost of the Lower Falls. Visitors to the Island wade out into the river.

And finally, a closeup of the flowing waters.


Carol said...

OK, you have me ROTFLOL. Did not figure on my lesson on how to pronounce Tahquamenon to show up on the net! Next time I'll go look it up and give you the Webster's version.

But, the photos are great, specially that last one.

Glad you did visit our TQ falls! Nope, that is not Webster correct either.

Ruth Liuzza said...

Becky it's good to catch up with your blog and your great photos. I missed you when I was out of the loop while my computer languished with its virus! I enjoy my early morning 'visit' with you!

Jasia said...

Ah, they're lovely photos Becky! Were the temps any cooler in the UP?

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