
Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Honeyman State Park

A short walk from the campground and through the forest leads to this beautiful little lake surrounded by the forest and sand dunes. Double-click on the image to see a larger version... it is a portion of a panoramic view that doesn't quite capture the full beauty and serenity of the place, but does a pretty good job of it!

I sat up on top of this sand dune for several hours, listening to the quiet. The only other people around were those two youngsters at the edge of the water, far below. Optical illusion? After looking at this image for awhile, it is hard to tell whether you are looking down toward water, or up toward sky, either way, it was a long way up/down.

As the sun lowered toward the horizon I left my gorgeous viewpoint and ventured down to the small lake.

Jessie M. Honeyman Memorial State Park
South of Florence, Oregon
September 29, 2011


Carol said...

Yep, HAVE to get to Oregon!

Michelle Goodrum said...

Looks like we just missed you by a afew days. We went out to the dune of Florence for a hike and then afterward drove through Honeyman. We would like to try staying in a Yurt (I think that's what those little huts were called).

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Becky Wiseman - -

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