
Tuesday, May 08, 2012

My Bags are Packed... I'm on my way

Off to Cincinnati... In a few minutes, I'll be heading south to attend the National Genealogical Society (NGS) Conference! I wasn't sure I'd be able to go but thankfully situations change. I've got a roommate to help share costs (Thanks, Laura) and I'm very happy to be going even though we won't be staying downtown.

This will be my 3rd NGS Conference but the first one where I feel like I actually “know” some of the other people who will be there, even though we may have never met in-person. Reading blogs will do that...

I've gone over the schedule several times and selected at least one session (sometimes two!) for most time periods. Obviously, I can't be in two sessions at the same time so difficult decisions will have to be made when the time comes. There are so many good things to choose from. I'll be concentrating on the sessions regarding finding the elusive ancestors (of which I have more than a few) as well as locating obscure and/or unusual records. I'm especially looking forward to attending several sessions with Thomas W. Jones and Elizabeth Shown Mills, neither of whom I've had the pleasure of seeing before.

Cincy, here I come!


Michelle Goodrum said...

Looking forward to reading about it.

Barbara Poole said...

Me too, what Michelle said. I hope Laura is extra nice to you, my cousin! Have a great time.

Carol said...

Ditto what Michelle said, I'll be reading.

Kathy Reed said...

It was such a pleasure to meet you in person. I am a true fan of your blog and will be even more so now.

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Becky Wiseman - -

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