
Tuesday, July 03, 2012

GRIP is on the Agenda!

On the morning of Tuesday, February 7th I was among those eagerly awaiting the chance to register for the Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh, aka GRIP. As I refreshed the computer screen at the appointed time, the link appeared and I began the registration process.

The Thomas Jones course, Advanced Research Methods, was my goal. But within two minutes of the registration process the screen locked up. And it just sat there. And I got frustrated. I backed out one screen and when I returned to the screen I had been on there was a message that the "event is currently unavailable". Really? After just a few minutes?

A message was immediately sent to "the powers that be" and yes, the course really filled that quickly. Did I want to be put on a waiting list? Well, yeah. So I've waited. Without much hope that more than one person wouldn't be able to make it.

Today I received an email telling me that I was still on the wait list and asking if I was still available to attend if a seat should happen to open up. My response was a yes! Less than two hours later another email told me that one spot was open in Mr. Jones' class and my name was at the top of the wait list!

So, I'm going to GRIP! And I'm excited - especially after being able to attend all four of his sessions at NGS in May. And I'm nervous - hoping that I haven't gotten in over my head with this. And it's just 2 1/2 weeks away! Wish me luck, eh?

Who else is going to GRIP? Which course are you taking?


Updated July 26th: Read about my experiences at GRIP!


Michelle Goodrum said...

Wahooo!!! You'll love his class. Do not be intimidated. You are as good as anyone else that will be in his class. Hint-I found it helpful to read his past articles. He does refer to them.

I know Shelley Bishop-A Sense of Family will be in your class.

Excited for you!!

Barbara Poole said...

Now that is something to look forward to, and it will be here before you know it! It's wonderful, and I know you will write about it. Congratulations Becky.

Greta Koehl said...

This is so exciting! My dream is to attend GRIP some day (Pittsburgh isn't that far from where I live), and Thomas Jones' class would be at the top of my list. Can't wait to read about your experiences!

Shelley Bishop said...

What great news! We're going to be classmates! Can't believe it's only a couple of weeks away. Greta, it'd be fantastic to meet you there too--maybe next year :) I'm very excited, and a little nervous, for the chance to learn from one of the masters of genealogy. See you in Pittsburgh, Becky!

Becky Wiseman said...

Thanks Michelle. I'm really looking forward to the class.

Becky Wiseman said...

Thank you, Barbara!

Becky Wiseman said...

Greta, I will probably be doing some on-site research in Pennsylvania after GRIP - maybe we can meetup?

Becky Wiseman said...

Whoo-hoo! I'm really glad you are going to be there! So nice to know that someone I've actually met in person will be there. See you soon!

Amy Coffin, MLIS said...

How exciting! I won't be there, so I look forward to reading about your experience.

Kathryn Doyle said...

Great news. You will love every minute! I was with Michelle in his SLIG class in January and it was fantastic. Can't wait to read about your experience. Wish I could join you in Pittsburgh. It is ground zero for much of my father's family history.

Family Curator said...

Can't wait to see you at GRIP!

Becky Wiseman said...

I'm happy to know that you'll be there too! So looking forward to it all and seeing you again.

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