
Monday, January 15, 2007

GSWC and Family Websites

The Genealogical Society of Whitley County (Indiana) was founded in the summer of 1995 and many of it's members have completed several projects since then. You'll have to scroll through a list of links at the GSWC website to find it but their online data includes complete transcriptions of the county cemeteries, a listing of those who served in the military, index to naturalizations, an index to Federal Land Patents and much more.

In addition, others have contributed data to my web site at Kinexxions which includes indexes to Whitley County marriage records, death records, guardianships, and estate packets as well as some original marriage documents, the 1889 county Plat Map, and transcribed obituaries.

Kinexxions also features information on some of the Whitley County kin that I am researching: Brubaker, Dunfee, Foster, Goodrich, Helms, Jones, Joslin, Phend, Robison, Stem, and Wise. Surnames in Elkhart County being researched include Berlin, Phend and Yarian. There are transcriptions of letters found at the Nappanee Public Library dating from 1862-1871 as well as some family pictures. Oh, and my grandmother wrote what she called the beginning of her autobiography and that has been posted as well. My grandmother was really the catalyst that got me into family research. Well, that and the fact that from 1984-1986 I lived just a few blocks from the Allen County Public Library!

It's taken a lot of time and effort but it is so rewarding, especially when I make contact with an unknown cousin!

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Becky Wiseman - -

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