
Sunday, January 28, 2007

More on the Allen County Public Library

Just wanted to add a few things I didn't mention yesterday. The ACPL now has an underground parking garage and two additional parking lots just across the street. Parking is free for those with an ACPL library card and $1.00 an hour with a $7.00 per day maximum for everyone else.

The rare books collection is housed in Lower Level 1, which is the same level as the parking garage. Items will be displayed in glass cases in a room with controlled levels of light, temperature and humidity. The room has its own heating, cooling and ventilation system. Obviously, with over 6,000 items in the collection not everything will be displayed at the same time.

The auditorium, which can seat 250, is located below the rare books collection in Lower Level 2. There are several meeting rooms that can accommodate from 6 to 500 people. A Gallery and television studios used by Access Fort Wayne are on the main level.

Oh, and the library now has free WiFi Wireless access. You can take your laptop, hook into their network and have use of the library resources, including Ancestry and HeritageQuest, without having to use their computers.

I'm sure there are some other things I've left out, but you get the idea. It's going to be an awesome resource. Can you tell I'm excited!


Anonymous said...

See Dick Eastman's post at

Anonymous said...

Becky, I'm so glad you mentioned the lower levels. I never made it down that far. My old legs just don't hold up like they used to. By the time I finished standing through the opening ceremonies, the genealogy section and the cafe, I was done! Then I had to walk six blocks back to my car, because when I got there neither the parking lots nor the garage were open, so I parked in my lot at the newspaper office and walked.

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Becky Wiseman - -

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