
Sunday, February 04, 2007

Go Colts! Go Bears!

The Colts and the Bears play this evening in the "biggest game" in football. For my part, I really don't care who wins, I'm just excited that the Bears and Colts are playing. I was a Bears fan long before the Colts came to Indiana, but being a Hoosier, I can't help but root for the "home" team. After watching the season highlights on CBS today, I think they both deserve to win. The team that wins today will be the best team today.

What Bob Scheiffer said this morning on "Face the Nation" really puts it into perspective for me:

"For sure, the Super Bowl has become an institution, as much a part of American life as the Fourth of July and Thanksgiving — even a factor in the national economy.

For all of that, for all the hype, whatever happens here doesn't really matter, and to me that is the best part.

We worry, we bet the office pool, we cheer. We analyze and agonize. But in the end, nations will neither rise nor fall because of what happens here. Soldiers will not die. Disease will neither spread nor be cured.

Some years back a weird Dallas Cowboy running back named Duane Thomas put it in some perspective when he said, "If this is the ultimate game, why are they playing it again next year?"

Yet, for a few hours, millions here and even some of our soldiers overseas will put aside what does matter and enjoy something that doesn't. Not many things in American life have the power to do that. And that is a good thing, the great value of sports."

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