
Sunday, March 25, 2007

Light Blogging & Retirement Date Set!!

Blogging has been light for me the past couple of weeks. My job is taking about all of my energy nowadays. Just finished one major project and am starting on another one along with several smaller projects. And new ones coming in all the time since people have found out I'm retiring. The next 2 1/2 months could get a bit stressful...

I gave notice of my retirement date to my boss, his boss, and his boss (the IT manager) in mid February. That is June 14th, 81 days away! They have known since last September that I was going to retire this year, they just didn't know when. I'm sure they were hoping it would be later in the year but I decided it would be nice to have the summer to do whatever I want! I gave them plenty of notice so they could find a replacement. My job is not a hard one, just challenging and one that no one else in the department wants. There was one person in the company that I thought could take it on but she decided to stick with what she's currently doing, so now they are looking outside the company. If you have experience with Lotus Notes development, know what the "EtQ" Software package is, live or would like to live in northern Indiana, I've got a job for you!

I've also got a few projects for the Genealogical Society of Whitley County that have been in the works for a while (like 2 years) that I want to get finished, in addition to putting out the next issue of Whitley County Roots (the GSWC quarterly) by the end of March (that's this week!). I've pretty much stopped transcribing for the Indiana Marriages project. Have to figure out how to allocate my time more effectively but I can't do 'everything' that I'd like to do right now. Do you 'spose I'll have more time for the 'fun stuff' after June 14th? Sure hope so!

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Becky Wiseman - -

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