
Thursday, March 01, 2007

A Women's History Challenge from Jasia

Jasia over at Creative Gene has issued a challenge to all bloggers:

Today, March 1st, is the start of Women's History Month. As genealogists and family historians, we often look to historical events to give context to the lives of our ancestors. Because women were often at home taking care of the children while the men folk were out back in the garage inventing cars, or far away from home marching across battlefields, they often weren't in positions to accomplish noteworthy things... except for an exceptional few. But their lives were impacted by the events around them and they in turn impacted the lives of their husbands and children in the course of everyday life. This month we have a chance to honor women, not only the ones whose accomplishments have made headlines but the ordinary and extraordinary women in our own family histories as well.

March 8th is International Women's Day... Compose a poem, write a tribute, share a memory, post a photo, or create a digital scrapbook page for One Woman. Wouldn't it be a wonderful tribute to women's history if all bloggers everywhere took the time to write something about One Woman that impacted their life on International Women's Day, March 8th? (... and then submit it to the Carnival of Genealogy... even better!) We could fill the blogosphere with tributes to women who might otherwise have fallen into obscurity. Sisters, friends, aunts, neighbors, deceased or living...

So, how about it, are YOU up to the challenge? I'm certainly going to give it a try. If you don't have a blog of your own, ask a blogger to post your contribution!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just love your idea. Yes, i feel this is a great way to share your thoughts, stories about a woman who has influenced your life, discuss on topics revolving around women. Do lemme know if I could come of help coz I would love to. Do drop by my blog coz am sure you would love reading the posts.

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Becky Wiseman - -

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