
Monday, April 30, 2007

A Day of Silence?

No disrespect meant towards anyone but I'll admit, I'm not totally convinced of the idea of a day of silence in the blog world. I may not post anything tomorrow but probably more so because I haven't been posting on a daily basis. Remembering The Virginia Tech Massacre Victims is a wonderful thing but I believe we should also pay respect to those that die as a result of war and violence every day, all over the world.

Silence is a Memoriam, Not a Reason to Stop Blogging

Day of Blog Silence: Honoring The Victims of Violence

As seen by the comments on this post
April 30: A Day of Silence not everyone agrees with having a day of silence. And that is the true beauty of the country we live in. Everyone is entitled to their own opionon.

Note added at 10 a.m. 04/30/2007 - I've disabled comments on this post because several really nasty and vulgar comments were posted by someone that obviously did not fully read this post. I see no reason to subject my (few) readers to that kind of trash. I also do not want to enable moderation of comments because I do believe in the principals of freedom of speech, but NOT when it is so offensive to myself and others. The person that posted the inappropriate comments was not a genea-blogger nor anyone that is associated with the genealogy field, at least as far as I know. - - Becky