
Wednesday, May 30, 2007

FGS/ACPL Conference Early Registration Deadline Approaching

Friday, June 1st, is the deadline for EARLY registration for the Federation of Genealogical Societies/Allen County Public Library Conference to be held in Fort Wayne, Indiana August 15-18, 2007. Registration can be done online or printed out and sent in via regular mail (early registration is valid if postmarked by June 1st). Early registration is $155 for the full 4-day conference. After June 1st it will be $185.

If you
register online you'll get a screen to select the sessions that you want to attend. You can skip that screen and return after you've checked out to select the sessions, otherwise the registration process may take too long and "time out" like it did for me the first time!

list of sessions is available online. There is also a "printable" version available from the conference home page.

The conference will be held at the recently renovated
Grand Wayne Center which is across the street from the "new" Allen County Public Library. The conference website says that the Library will have extended hours.

The two downtown hotels are sold out but there are many other hotels in the area as well as several bed & breakfast establishments that can be found at the
Convention & Visitors Bureau. Travel time from most of the outlying motels to downtown should be about 20 minutes at the most, even during the morning "rush" hour.

Are there any other genea-bloggers or genea-blog readers planning to attend?

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Becky Wiseman - -

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