
Monday, May 07, 2007

Hale Brubaker (part 1)

Maurice Hale Brubaker (known as Hale) was born on May 17, 1886 in Troy Township, Whitley County, Indiana. His brother, my great grandfather Charles Romain Brubaker, was not quite 15 years old when Hale was born.

Hale graduated from high school at the age of 17, and taught at least one term at
Crow's Corner School in 1904, before going on to Wabash College.

He joined the Indiana National Guard while at Wabash College (Columbia City Post December 15, 1906) "M. Hale Brubaker of Co. G, who took an examination last week at Auburn before a military board for promotion from sergeant to second lieutenant, passed successfully. Major Y. Kuhlman who presided, notified Capt. S. N. Markey of this city, that the young man had passed and been assigned to Co. G, 3rd Regiment. He is in Wabash College at present. The company has decided to give a cake walk with dances, Dec. 21st. They will also have target practice tonight."

Below is a postcard photo of his National Guard Company that he sent to his parents on January 12, 1908. "Company G 3rd Reg'td N. G. in camp at Muncie Ind" Hale is on the right in the front row.

Above: Hale with his dog and his graduation picture from Wabash College.

From The Evening Post of Columbia City on December 6, 1909: "M. Hale Brubaker, the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Brubaker, who is attending the law college of Columbia University, New York, is the business manager of "The Civic Journal," a weekly put out by the People's Institute. The object of the organization and publication is the practical education of Americans in citizenship, the organization of civic clubs for young men and co-operations having similar objects. The paper deals with the problems of a city having a large element of foreign-born population, the purification of politics, Americanization, Immigration, and kindred subjects. The present publication was started the 9th of October of the present year and carries no advertising, depending entirely on subscription to defray the expense of publication. Mr. Brubaker... [several words not legible]... for the People's Institute for more than a year past ... [three words not legible]... to be useful to them in putting out the paper."

I thought this was an interesting article - I have no idea how he got involved with being an agent since he was in school. (Columbia City Post March 9, 1910): "M. Hale Brubaker, who has been attending the law school of Columbia University in New York City for the past two years, was in the city Sunday and spent the night with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Brubaker, of Troy township. This is his first visit home since leaving for the east and he has been getting along first class as shown by his appearance. The opportunity to visit his parents came when he reached Chicago Saturday on a trip as advance agent for Commander Robert F. Peary, who will soon start a lecture tour of the country. He had expected to go to Indianapolis, but his instructions were changed and he was sent to Minneapolis instead. He has obtained a two weeks' leave of absence from his work in New York in order to travel ahead of Peary. He finds that all of the large cities are willing to offer large sums of money to hear the explorer and there is no difficulty in arranging dates. He left for Minneapolis early Monday morning."

And then on December 14, 1910 came the notification of his illness: "A telegram to Mrs. William Brubaker, of Troy township, Monday evening informed her that her son, M. Hale Brubaker, is in a New York hospital very ill with an attack of pneumonia. As was stated Monday Mrs. Brubaker received a card from him Saturday stating that he was sick with a heavy cold but it was not known to be serious till the arrival of the telegram. Mr. Brubaker is in the law College of Columbia University and is fitting himself for the practice of the law. His illness will be learned here with regret. A special dispatch from Al C. Jennison and another from Leo C. Kelly, who were students in Wabash College with Hale Brubaker, but who are now in New York, reached here Tuesday afternoon, saying that the condition of the patient was critical and that the crisis would come Wednesday and be followed by another critical day Friday. The attending physicians hold out little encouragement, but are doing all they can to save the young man's life."

His obituary and several memorials were published a few days later...

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