
Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Roy Parkinson Has Fine Store at Wolf Lake

Columbia City Post, Whitley County, Indiana ~ Wednesday, July 24, 1918
Roy Parkinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Parkinson, of this city, is the proprietor of a general store at Wolf Lake, and he has one of the finest store rooms of any country merchant in this part of the state. A few years ago he lost his store and contents by fire but he immediately built a new building which is certainly a good one. The building is about forty feet wide with a plate glass front, making the room an exceptionally well lighted one. He handles a complete line of general merchandise and also operates an ice cream parlor and sells soft drinks.

[Note: Roy is my Half 1st Cousin 3 Times Removed. He is a descendant of my 3rd Great Grandmother, Sarah Foster, and her husband George Parkison. The surname can be found as "Parkison" and "Parkinson" as well as other variations.]

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Becky Wiseman - -

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