
Friday, June 01, 2007

Creative Genealogy - a new blog!

Jasia at Creative Gene and hostess of the Carnival of Genealogy, has started a new blog called Creative Genealogy.

In her first post, Jasia states"
"Genealogy research is entertaining, educational and rewarding. But if you've done it for any length of time you know it's also the result of a lot of hard work, frustration, and perseverance. Most researchers find a great deal of satisfaction from adding names to their family tree but many don't think much beyond basic document discovery when it comes to their genealogy research. But genealogy shouldn't end there, with just names and dates. There is even more satisfaction to be gained in sharing it with others!

Writing up one's family history in a fact-filled book with vintage photographs is the standard way to compile genealogy research. And that's a fine, traditional approach to telling one's family history. But let's face it, if you haven't been bitten by the genealogy bug you'll likely find the standard family history text a bit (or quite a bit ;-) dry and boring. But it doesn't have to be that way!This blog will look at a myriad of creative ways you can share the fruits of your genealogy research with your friends and family. And I assure you these ways will be anything but dry and boring!"

I'm really looking forward to reading her tips and ideas for taking the presentation and sharing of genealogy to the next level. She has already posted on Photoshop Elements, Custom Family Reunion T-Shirts, and an Overview of Scrapbooking. Check it out!

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Becky Wiseman - -

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