
Thursday, June 28, 2007

Letter from Boot Camp December 5, 1969

This is the 7th in a series of letters written home while I was in Basic Training. Click on the "Boot Camp" label at the bottom of the post to see all of the letters.

Recruit Training Command (Women)
U. S. Naval Training Center
Bainbridge, Maryland ~ 5 Dec 1969

Hi Mom,

I got your letter today - Terry's too. Was glad to hear from you - thank you for the stamps - airmail even, gee! I've got about half an hour before taps. We got paid today! $30.00 Tomorrow we get to go to the main exchange for about an hour - time to spend our hard earned money.

As far as Christmas presents go about the only thing I really need are nylons. We'll start wearing our dress blues next Friday - another graduation and we'll be in the review - standing for at least two hours - but we'll be sophomores - that's great. That first week we were here and wore civilian clothes I ruined about 4 pairs of nylons in that week.

We can receive food stuffs if they are marked on the outside that it is food. We can't get them till our Christmas party here so they will be kept in cold storage till then. If you send something don't make it an awful lot though. Some of your peanut butter candy would be very good about now. Grandma's divinity sounds good too.

I have to go. I'll write more this weekend.

Love, Becky

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Becky Wiseman - -

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