
Thursday, June 14, 2007

One Chapter Ends, Another Begins...

It's been a stressful and busy time at work these past few weeks, but that's over now. Today was my last day on the job and I am now a retired person! Yipee!! Hopefully that will mean more time for research, for blogging, for scanning pictures and documents, for relaxing (relaxing ?), for spending time with friends, for traveling, for simply enjoying whatever comes my way. Wow, it's hard to believe this day has finally arrived. I'll miss the folks at the office, but sure won't miss the job. Today was a good day, one of the best!


Miriam Robbins said...

Congratulations! While this is nowhere near as exciting as retirement, tomorrow is my last day of school for the year, and I am looking forward to a fun summer. I'm kind of identifying with you, at least for the next two months! I guess retirement must be like a year-round summer vacation!

Again, congratulations on your retirement, Becky, and I wish you much success in your new life status!

Jasia said...

Congrats on your retirement Becky! Enjoy!

Becky Wiseman said...

Thank you Miriam and Jasia. I've been told by a friend who retired in January that retirement is a bit like a continuous weekend - Monday never comes! He also said that retirement is highly under-rated and he's enjoying it immensely. Miriam, I always thought it would be nice to be a teacher and have two months a year off. Hope you have a good one!

Becky Wiseman said...

Miriam - I meant to add to my comment about being a teacher and got sidetracked and hit the "post" button before I was ready. I thought it would be nice to have two months a year off, but I never thought that I had the patience that was required for being a teacher! I admire those who work with children whether they be a teacher, a teacher's aid, or do so in some other capacity.

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Becky Wiseman - -

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