
Monday, July 09, 2007

Sunday December 28, 1969 ~ Letter from Boot Camp

This is the 13th in a series of letters written home while I was in Basic Training. Click on the "Boot Camp" label at the bottom of the post to see all of the letters.

Recruit Training Command (Women)
U. S. Naval Training Center
Bainbridge, Maryland ~ 28 Dec 1969

Hi Mom,

Service week started for me today! Make that yesterday. I had an "all day" security watch in laundry house 138 from 1200 to 1730. We didn't have a single person come in all afternoon. It was really a waste of time and boring too. Spent the evening in the lounge talking and not saying anything - you know how it is. I even hit the sack early last night because I had to get up at 0500 to go on watch again from 0600 to 1200.

We had our CC inspection today because last week was so messed up. I got a 4.0 and it counts double. That will really help my average. I'll let you know what that is next time I write.

We have tests tomorrow so I'll have to study sometime tonight. This has to be turned in in about fifteen minutes - it's my "duty" letter. Sometimes it takes a while for the CC to get around to getting them sent out. I'll write more later in the week.

Love, Becky

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Becky Wiseman - -

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