
Monday, July 16, 2007

Swiss Passport 3 April 1832

The Front and Reverse of the Passport of Johannes Phend;

Transcription of the main portion of the passport, English Translation in brackets [ ]

Prefecture de Interlaken [District of Interlaken]

Coutes les Autorites chargees de maintenir l'ordre et lat surete, sont invitees a laisser passer lebrement - - - Jean B'hend avec sa famille savoir, sa femme et quatre enfant.

[To the authorities charged with upholding order and security, we request you to let pass freely - - - John Phend with his known family, his wife and four children.]

originaire de Armuhle [natives of Armuhle]
demeurant a Armuhle [living in Armuhle]
allant en Amerique dams de etat de Ohio [going to America to the State of Ohio]
dans l'intention de s'y fixer [with the intention of settling]

en recommandant de lui donner aide et assistance en cas de besoin, sous offre de reciprocite. Le present passeport est valable pour une annee. Delivre sur Pattestation authentique. Donne a Interlaken - - - le 3 April 1832, mill huit cent trente et deux

[In recommendation of him, bestow help and assistance in case of emergency, under our offer of reciprocation. The present passport is valid for one year. Release over (Pattestation ?) authentic. Admitted at Interlaken - - - the 3rd of April 1832, one thousand eight hundred thirty two.]

The upper left section of the passport gives the document number as 540 and a description of Johannes Phend aka Jean B'hend:
  • Signalement du Porteur [Description of the bearer]
  • Age de 50 ans [50 years of age]
  • Taille moyenne [average stature or size]
  • Grand 5 pieds 2 pouces [height 5 feet 2 inches]
  • Cheveux blonds [light hair]
  • Front ouvert [open, frank countenance]
  • Sourcils blonds [light eyebrows]
  • Yeux gris [gray eyes]
  • Nez petit romain [small roman nose]
  • Bouche moyenne [average mouth, lips]
  • Menton rond [round chin]
  • Visage long [long face]
  • Marquest distinctives [no distinctive marks were noted]
  • Signature du Porteur [signature of the bearer]
The back of the passport contains the seals and written remarks of the officials who endorsed the passport as the family passed through the various jurisdictions. I've not been able to transcribe or translate completely the handwritten remarks.

14 April seal of Canzley Bern
No. 1431 April 1832 seal of the Ambassador of France in Switzerland
8 June 1832 Du Haver [in LeHavre]
11 June 1832 Vu pour Baltimore [bound for Baltimore]

In 1991, the original passport was in the possession of Robert Ernest, a grandson of Sophia Phend Ernest, daughter of Jacob Phend. The photocopy I have was obtained from Robert's cousin, Dale Ernest. I still haven't seen the original.

1 comment:

TK said...

What a cool document! The translation stuff is so interesting--thanks for sharing, Becky.

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