
Thursday, August 02, 2007

Moral & Legal Dilemmas - the Carnival of Genealogy has been posted!

footnoteMaven has posted the 29th Edition Of The Carnival of Genealogy. The topic this time around is: Moral or Legal Dilemmas in Genealogy and Genea-blogging. Which ones have you had to deal with and how did you resolve them, if you did?

Wow, there sure are a lot of issues to think about, some I'd not thought of. . . my head is reeling. Take a look, maybe one of these posts can help you in dealing with a "touchy" problem, they've certainly given me some ideas. And, thanks fM for your insightful comments leading us to these posts.

The next, and 30th edition, of the COG will be hosted by Jasia at Creative Gene and the topic will be "Genealogical Conferences/Seminars. Just to get you thinking, here are some things you might want to write about. Have you been to a conference you really enjoyed? Is there one you attend every year? Which would you recommend to others and why? Is there one you've always wanted to attend but couldn't? If you could design the "dream conference", what sessions would you have in it? Have you been on a genealogy cruise? What are your pet peeves regarding genealogy conferences? Those ideas should be good for a blog post or two but don't feel limited to them. If you've got something else to say on the subject, let's hear it!"

To contribute, submit your blog article to the next edition of the Carnival of Genealogy using the carnival submission form . Past posts and future hosts can be found on the blog carnival index page. Deadline for submissions will be August 15th.

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Becky Wiseman - -

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