
Thursday, August 09, 2007

Mr. and Mrs. Brubaker are Royal Entertainers

In my grandmother's notes she mentions parties that were given by her parents. Notice of one such party was published in the local newspaper (unidentified article in a family scrapbook, no date) it would have been in the early 1900's:

Last Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. C.R. Brubaker royally entertained about thirty young people at their home seven miles north of this city in honor of their cousin, Miss Pearl Gibson, of this city.

The elegant country home was well lighted and beautifully decorated for the occasion. As the time for their assembly drew near their merry voices could be heard ringing through the clear air and all were prepared for a good time.

The evening was pleasantly spent in social chat, games and music furnished by the Pumpkin Vine band. At 12 o'clock a dainty menu was served consisting of cake, pie, ice tea and Italian cream.For the crowd we will say that Mr. and Mrs. Brubaker are royal entertainers. -- A GUEST.

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