
Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Renee's Sneak Peek of Legacy 7

Yesterday Renee Zamora posted a bit about Geoff Rasmussen's presentation of a Sneak Peek of Legacy 7 at the BYU Family History & Genealogy Conference.

I use
Legacy and have since Version 2, oh, a few years ago. Started out with a DOS version of PAF, moved to Family Tree Maker, then to Generations, tried out a few others too, but finally found what I wanted with Legacy.

She has more details on
her post, but to summarize, the new and or enhanced features she mentions are:
  • Will be able to show non-blood related relationships.
  • Enhanced IGI Search feature [bw - I'll admit I've never used this feature since until a year ago I was on dial-up access and just haven't taken the time since then to use it.]
  • SOURCE TEMPLATES. Legacy has built their new source templates around Elizabeth Shown Mills' "Evidence" guidelines.
  • Will have the ability to CREATE FOOTNOTES.
  • With Legacy Multimedia you will be able to attach Documents as RTF or PDF format. [previously you could attach them but had to use a work-a-round. Actually you don't really attach files to the database, a link to the file is created.]
  • Interview Questions. You can now get a list of tons of interview questions to ask your relatives. You can even select what relative you are interviewing and the questions will be geared toward them.
  • Better CHARTS. Legacy 7 will have the combined features of PAF Companion and TreeDraw built right into it.
Renee noted that "Geoff kept saying to us was that he didn't even get to the good stuff yet. He couldn't cover everything in the hour that we had. I was kind of hoping conference attendees would get to buy and take home the new version, but no such luck. Legacy is planning on Version 7 to be ready for release in October."

Something else to look forward to! Yee-hah! Actually, I was hoping they would have it ready for the FGS Conference next month. Hopefully they will be exhibiting there and will at least have Version 7 on display.

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