
Sunday, September 02, 2007

More on the Issues - Recommended Reading

The ramifications of the recent fiasco with Ancestry and the "Internet Biographical Collection" are yet to be felt. The issues are far more complex than any of us ever dreamed of and will probably never be resolved to everyone's satisfaction. There will always be controversy over what was done and, as I said before, we all need to Take a deep breath and relax...

That said, you may want to read the following posts:

Dick Eastman with To Cache or Not to Cache: The Definitive Answer Though I'm not sure his is the "Definitive Answer" he does discuss the issues of Copyright and the Field vs. Google federal case on the legality of caching.

Miriam Midkiff on
More on the Issue of the Internet Biographical Collection discusses the evolving world of genealogy and what that means to all of us as well as what our responsibilities are. "Our role, then, is to act responsibly by using good methodology in our research, citing our sources; by respecting genealogy websites' terms and conditions; and by learning the copyright laws that protect our own work."

Randy Seaver has posted MyFamily Inc. Terms and Conditions stating that "It would be useful for everyone to read the Terms and Conditions..." I would add, not just for the Generations Network websites, but it is up to the user to read the terms and conditions of ANY website before we use it or contribute to it. And not to just read the legalese but to UNDERSTAND it completely.

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