
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Five Question Challenge - Your Favorites

Today is the end of Family History Month in the United States, and Juliana Smith at 24/7 Family History Circle challenged everyone to answer five questions each week on a specific topic. I posted on the first week's challenge Five Question Challenge – School Memories but haven't done any of the others. Perhaps I'll go back later and do them. Doubtful. The topic for this last week was Five Questions about Your Favorites.

1. What is your favorite book and why?
Can there really be just one? Historical Fiction, especially James A. Michener. Science Fiction. Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein. Biographies. Philosophy. Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach. Travel-Adventure. Western Romance. Mom bought the complete set of Zane Grey novels many years ago. I've read them all and they are now boxed up in my garage along with most of my other books. No place to put them, but can't get rid of them. It has been a few years since I've read a book but I finally managed to pick up my library card at the local library the other day.

2. What is your favorite movie and why?
My all-time favorite is Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Richard Dreyfus. Just imagine the possibilities. Also really liked him in Mr. Holland's Opus.

3. Where is your favorite place in the world and why?
This is a hard one for me to explain. Right now, as cryptic as it may sound, wherever I am is my favorite place to be. I've had several seasons or phases in my life but the year spent in Iceland, the two years in Japan, and the two years in California would be hard to top. Lots of other places I want to see and experience but I also like just being at home, wherever that is.

4. What is your favorite time of day? Are you a morning person, an afternoon person, or a night owl?
Definitely am NOT a morning person. Never have been, probably never will be.

5. What is your favorite holiday?
Independence Day. Primarily for its significance, but also because it is in the summertime. The family getting together, the fireworks, the parades, the fun, the food. Not quite as commercialized as many of the other major holidays.

Additional Bonus Question: Favorite actor/comedian?
Whoopi Goldberg and Billy Crystal. Just because.

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